Speaking, Training, and Courses

Barbara Burgess loves to inspire and educate with a rare combination of vision and pragmatism. As the founding partner of Corluma, a consulting and executive coaching practice based in Chicago, and the former COO and Chief Vision Realization Officer for the Wright Foundation, Barbara served individuals and organizations in a wide range of industries for over 25 years.

She applies her fierce dedication and service to her clients, partners, and employees, speaking at a keynote, developing a training, or creating online or in-person courses.

If you are looking for an inspirational kick-off to your multi-day conference, an easy-to-follow course for your employees, or a training refresh, contact us today.



Barbara delivered dynamic keynote presentations and training for a wide range of organizations, including Dell, Orbitz, JP Morgan Chase, Google-Chicago women’s chapter, MB bank, Takeda pharmaceutical, Chauffeur-Driven, Cardinal Health, Sears, Ocean Spray, HBA, United Airlines, and many more.


Barbara’s speaking engagements begin with a conversation about your goals, exploring the audience and their needs. Book her for one of her primary speaking topics or work with her to create a customized keynote that speaks directly to your participants.

Impostor Syndrome: Take Charge of Your Life and Your Career

No matter your level of success, impostor syndrome blocks you from unleashing your big dreams. Impostor syndrome gets in the way of creative problem-solving, innovation, and results. How do you unravel this thinking in your life? What if you could combat impostor syndrome and learn to trust yourself, your instincts, and your deepest desires? In this dynamic keynote presentation, Barbara Burgess, consultant, executive coach, and co-founder of Corluma Consulting, teaches you simple but powerful steps to create a career and a life with more satisfaction and success. These insights not only help you but also help your business’s bottom line.

Reclaim The Wealth In Yourself

Striving for the next thing fuels us, invites us to become better, and taps aspects of ourselves we didn’t know we had. But when that drive causes us to miss the gold in what we do have, the magic in the moment, then we end up achieving a lot without loving our life. Or we don’t achieve what we could because we live in constant comparison, always looking up to the next rung of the ladder, seeing the NOT ENOUGH in what we have compared to our friends, our colleagues, and the latest social media post. Imagine instead that you could savor what you do have while looking ahead. Imagine being able to truly celebrate someone else’s success without it being an indictment of what you don’t have. Imagine the peace and prosperity that could come with living a life of ENOUGH. In this powerful and inspirational talk, Barbara Burgess shares a vision for what’s possible with some pragmatic steps you can take today to have enough, do enough, and be enough.

Overvalue your Intellect at the Expense of Your Wisdom

Often we are driven by our sense of not being enough or not having enough. These mindsets cause us to limit our innovation, withhold feedback from friends and peers, and spend more time comparing than creating. But what if we could think differently and act differently? What if we could follow the example of the citrus tree who does what she is born to do….to create fruit? In this dynamic keynote presentation, Barbara Burgess, executive coach, consultant, and co-founder of Corluma Consulting, shares her powerful insights about what nature can teach us about resiliency, adaptability, generosity, and innovation. Be prepared to be inspired while walking away with concrete actions and insights you can apply to your sense of “enough” in your life and your work.

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Book Barbara for one of her signature keynote topics or work
with her to create a customized training, facilitation, or course specifically
targeted to your audience.

To explore topics, available dates, or to learn more
about Corluma services, book a dscovery call today.