A Collective Journey of One

My Journey is Uniquely My Own

I am learning that we are collectively on a journey of one. What works for me doesn’t work for every single person I coach. What works for a youtube expert or TikTok influencer only sometimes resonates with me or works for me. 

My job in working with people is to help them find their way, and the same is true for me. On that journey, we have loads of ideas to share. Something that clicked for me might help someone else. And I love hearing from other people about experiences that worked for them. But as a person who spent much of her life and career looking “out there” for either the right way or the next best thing, I am discovering the joy of learning that my path is my own, a sample of one.

Experts Share Their Ideal Journey for All

This understanding helps me be compassionate when I’m irritated with an expert. Experts tend to speak in superlatives. You never want to do this. You always want to do that. I used to love reading the five steps to this or the three secrets to that. Now I feel an emotional fatigue at those headlines. 

My insides scream, bullshit! Life is an ever-unfolding story of limitless choices, and we are truly on a “Choose Your Own Adventure” experience. My job is to keep tuning into my internal GPS for the next option that most serves or delights me or is just what I pick. EVEN IF THAT DID NOT WORK FOR EVERYONE ELSE I MEET. My job in serving others is to help them do the same. 

From Bucky Fuller:

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

The Implications

The implications for a collective journey of one to me? Go inside. See what my inclination is in the moment and do everything I can to head in that direction. Along the way, bump into loads of other beings and see how that bumping might lead me to wanting or not wanting something else. But NEVER EVER EVER let their GPS become my GPS, or I risk living the “right” life I never wanted.