Learn from People Who are Younger

group of three young people casually talking

I have a thought experiment for people my age (or even a little younger) and me: stop getting annoyed by the younger, entitled people in your business.

I have been guilty of this, and I think I am wrong. We can get bothered by young people who aren’t willing to [fill in the blank-work the hours, make the sacrifices, do what it takes] or because they [fill in the blank-want to be rewarded for what they do, expect too much from companies, etc.].

I don’t even care what’s true and not true. If I were designing our world, money system, or business structures from scratch, would I set up the model I lived through? Big fat F’ing NO. So, who am I to get all judgy because this generation has the gall not to put up with stuff I should not have put up with? They want something better than what I had. I could get all “I walked uphill to school in the snow barefoot, and so should you.” Or I can say, “Go girl, get on the horse-pulled sleigh and enjoy the ride!”

These individuals will be leading the world that I’m growing old in. I want to be the wind beneath their wings in making something better when I shuffle off this mortal coil. It’s easier said than done for me.

Here’s my commitment at this moment:
*get curious vs. get annoyed
*question my perspective vs. theirs
*ask how I can help rather than to tell them to stop being naive

We’ll see how it goes.